Aleš Suk
Instead of trying to create an illusionary copy of the world in a cinematic way, my passion is to examine the process of life itself. Taking things apart and putting them back togetherin new ways into kind of collages, to have everything under control and at the same time to let this control go.
Aleš Suk, filmmaker, born in the Czech Republic, where he attended the high school of applied arts in Turnov, a studio of graphics and small sculpting. He graduated in animation in 2001 and in directing in 2004 at the FAMU Film Academy Prague. As a producer or director of several author’s films which travelled widely over international territories (selected festivals – I HotDocs Toronto, IFF Karlovy Vary, CPH:DOX Copenhagen, MOMA´S Documentary Forthnight New York, IDFA Amsterdam,,…) .From 2009 to 2013, he taught animation and interactive design as an assistant at the Academy of Arts of the University of Rijeka and from 2004 to 2023. as an external pedagogue at the department of montage at FAMU Prague. He is a member of Directors´ guild of Filmmakers Association of Croatia. He also likes to live near Rijeka.